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From time to time, prospective or current clients contact Now IT Works with special projects in mind. These projects go beyond ordinary IT management. For example, they might include moving a business location, reconfiguring software applications, transitioning from in-house to cloud-based operations, creating remote or hybrid workspaces, etc.
When undertaking these types of projects, NIW follows high-level project management (PM) protocols. These include determining the structure and timeline of the project, as well as a communications plan.
Our communications process means that you will not have invested resources (time, money, and energy) in vain.
When a client contacts us about a specific project such as moving a small manufacturing firm to a new location–we begin by asking a lot of questions and using the answers to develop a plan.
What needs to be done? What are your objectives?
Why is this project necessary?
Who among your team and Now IT Works will be involved?
Where will the work take place?
Let’s run through a common example–of a client who asked to have their current email system transferred to MS Outlook. The project could involve these steps:
When the structure of the project has been discussed and agreed to, NIW will send a project proposal to the client with the above outlined. At that time, the client will have an opportunity to suggest amendments.
Two level of communication are integral to the management of the project.
Internal and external.
Once we agree on the project, Now IT Works sets up an internal meeting and an external meeting with the client (scope, timeline, training, implementation, evaluation, communication).
Internally, we set up a ticket so that you’ll be notified at every critical stage of the project. Any changes in the project will be noted and approved through this communications channel.
Progress reports can also be sent to the team (nature of the project, when it will occur, how it will affect them, reminders about scheduled work, progress reports).
Finally, we end with an opportunity for the client and their team to voice any concerns. After that we will evaluate the project and your overall experience.
We may also build in a questionnaire or a success story to fully understand the benefit of the project and how the process could have been improved.
How might a change in technology take your business to a new level?
Are you planning to move your operations to a new space?
Are you planning to migrate your data?
These are all things that might require a technology project manager.
Now IT Works has helped small businesses like yours navigate IT for over 20 years.
You’ll love how we keep you in the loop–and you’ll be able to free up your internal team to do more of what you’re great at.
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8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
142 East High Street
East Hampton, CT 06424