How much data would you have to lose before it began to hurt your business? The answer is not very much. Depending on what data is lost, it may only take no more than a file or two to cause havoc and create chaos.
Did you know that 70% of people have never backed up a phone, computer, tablet or any electronic device?
Backing up a computer or phone is one of those things that seems so simple, like getting the oil changed in your car. But it is so often overlooked. And like overlooking changing the oil in your car, not backing up your files can shut your entire network down.
The world is filled with cautionary tales about the files and pictures and memories that are lost when data is not backed up. More than 60,000,000 computers will fail this year, and more than 200,000 smartphones are lost or stolen every year.
Think about the files you have open on your computer right now. If you lost any of them, would you be in trouble? What if your computer stopped working as soon as you were done reading this. What would you never get to see again?
We’re putting the finishing touches on a webinar that talks about some of the reasons why cloud-based file storage systems are not the best solution for businesses. Backups are one of those reasons.
Not losing critical files is an easy business reason to make sure that you’re backing up your files. But as the statistics indicate, most people aren’t. Don’t wait for it to happen to you. Reach out to me and I can show you some simple solutions to make sure you never add to the list of cautionary tales.